Sports news has long been a staple of journalism. Whether it’s the 6pm network news or a local newspaper, sports reporters are expected to provide the same essentials: scores, news, columnists/blogs, rumors, video interviews and highlights, standings and discussion forums.Learn more:
The most common type of Sports news article is a straight-lead game story, which provides a summary lead that summarizes the main points of a game (who won or lost and who scored), followed by an account of big plays, and then a description of the post-game analysis. These are particularly popular in high school and college athletics.
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Some of the best Sports news articles go beyond a simple summary. A great example is this story from the BBC’s Miriam Walker-Khan, which details how athletes have used their platform to protest racial injustice. The writing is clear, concise, and engaging, and the use of visuals – including illustrations and photos – helps to tell the story.
As in all of journalism, there are good and bad examples of Sports news. Much research in this area has focused on identifying problematic journalism, such as coverage that upholds racist stereotypes of black athletes or hegemonic masculine power structures, that promotes xenophobic views about international sports, or that is ableist and fails to provide positive role models for disabled people. However, the challenge is to understand why these types of coverage persist and how they can be improved. This is where the theory of routine comes in, which offers a way to understand why certain things continue to happen.…